
Artist, designer, creator, philosopher, writer, daughter, nurturer, eternal child, citizen of the world and gypsy on a mission. A mission to translate my global adventures, experiences, awareness and perspectives into beautiful creative solutions. Art and design empower me to measurably improve the quality of life for everyone I reach. Curiosity, awareness and empathy empower me to think creatively and critically about the world we share and every life form there within. 

Upon the completion of my Digital Design Thesis at the University of Colorado Denver, I moved to Madrid, Spain. There, I continued my studies in Art History, fell in love with the Spanish culture and lifestyle. After graduating with a BFA in 2017, I followed  a trail of serendipitous breadcrumbs along the Mediterranean coast and Aegean sea. Middle eastern art, architecture, design, music and cuisine has had a dramatic influence upon my work, stoking my lifelong passion for art history. I find myself immersed in. Great personal transformation has unfolded within me through the years following my departure from the United States. As I have grown and evolved as a human being, so too have I evolved as an artist and designer. Living, working, and becoming a genuine part of these diverse communities has propelled me on a journey of spiritual, creative and artistic transcendence I never imagined. Fortune told, the best is yet to come.

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